Key Dates

21 July 2013
On site registration opens

Further key dates

Three decades of Ca2+ sparks and Ca2+ waves in cardiac muscle

Date & Venue

  • The Journal of Physiology
1415 - 1615
Lecture Theatre: 
Hall 1 (The ICC)

The symposium will provide a review of the new insights into cardiac cell function provided by the Ca2+ sparks since their discovery 30 years ago. Mark Cannell was part of the original team who reported their existence and his subsequent research has lead the thinking around the sub-cellular events that underlie a Ca2+ spark, the size of the cluster of ryanodine receptors and their role in normal and abnormal excitation-contraction coupling, Alex Zima’s pioneering work showed the impact of Ca2+ sparks and E-C coupling on intraSR Ca2+. Finally, John Bridge's contribution has been to examine how Ca sparks are altered in disease states. Niall MacQuaide's novel analysis techniques have identified new classes of Ca sparks and Bill Louch has examined Ca sparks and waves in disease models and novel transgenic models of disease.

Godfrey Smith
University of Glasgow
United Kingdom
John Bridge
University of Utah
United States
The “ins and outs” of Ca2+ sparks
14.15 - 14.45
Mark Cannell
University of Bristol
United Kingdom
Subcellular alterations in RyR activation in a sheep model of atrial fibrillation
14.45 - 15.00
Niall MacQuaide
KU Leuven
Termination of Ca sparks: role of cytosolic and intra-luminal Ca
15.00 - 15.30
Aleksey Zima
Loyola University Chicago
United States
Slow Ca2+ sparks de-synchronize Ca2+ release in failing cardiomyocytes
15.30 - 15.45
William Louch
University of Oslo
A modified local control model for Ca transients in cardiomyocytes
15.45 - 16.15
John Bridge
University of Utah
United States